What are the risks and opportunities that will define the UK real estate sector in 2024? Our annual survey of over 150 property and construction professionals reveals the trends for the year ahead.
After a few difficult years, there are ongoing concerns around economic volatility and potential recession, however our results reveal cautious optimism with 55% of respondents optimistic about the year ahead, increasing to 80% looking three years ahead.
Access to funding is set to ease and we uncover the readily available funding sources, ESG is no longer a nice to have with 82% stating it is necessary to access finance. Our results highlight a continued ‘flight to safety’ reflected in the asset classes and regions our respondents pinpoint for most investment this year.
Our research has also found that 19% of businesses have invested in Generative AI, and more plan to do so this year. With potential to be embedded across all areas of the sector, the rising importance of effective data strategies comes to the fore.
To learn more, view our full 360 report via the link https://view.rsmuk.com/campaigns/real-estate-360-2024/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=real-estate-360-2024&utm_id=real-estate-360-2024