Welcome to Zero Heroes; our Net Zero Partners Zone where you’ll find Interviews and presentations from leading firms who can help the MSB community on the road to Net Zero.
Visit Zero Heroes or copy and paste > https://www.businesstv.tv/zero-heros/
We know from your feedback that achieving Net Zero, and reducing carbon emissions in the meantime, is a principal concern for most of you. Net Zero presents yet more challenges on your plate but tackled properly it will also present opportunities for those businesses that get ahead of the curve.
Over the coming few weeks and months you’ll find more interviews with many of the UK’s leading organisations responsible for Net Zero stewardship as well as with leading private sector firms who have solutions and services that you may bring to bear.
If your business can help others with achieving Net Zero then perhaps you can become one of our Zero Heroes too. If so please get in touch with us at team@businesstv.tv
Of all the sectors that comprise the UK’s varied business landscape Net Zero will prove the most challenging for the MSB community. Micro businesses will get swept along with the inevitable progress made by the general market place and large PLCs have the resources in both personnel and finances to implement and oversee enterprise wide strategies.
MSBs have neither luxury; they must shoulder their responsibilities in line with larger firms but will have to do so with a keen eye on costs, interruption, progress and measurable benefits.
MSBs will need professional advice and expert solutions in order to embrace their mission to Net Zero and to ensure they are able to harness the commercial advantages that will come with compliance.
Early adoption is key. MSBs must grasp Net Zero as an opportunity to stand out among their competition by positioning themselves as,
- Valuable and compliant businesses in their own customers’ supply chains
- Environmentally responsible employers who may continue to appeal to the best talent
- Future proofed businesses that represent an attractive option for investment and acquisition