Build to rent: what can investors expect from the sector in 2023?

24 February 2023 8301 Views

The Build to Rent (BTR) sector has grown year on year and is forecast to see its value swell to over £100 billion by 2028.

In our latest podcast, real estate partner and co-head of BTR sector, Nick Mumby, chats with Andrew Screen, the head of Residential Capital Markets at BNP Paribas Real Estate. Together they take a look back at what happened in the BTR markets in 2022 and try and make some predictions for 2023.

You can find this episode and the accompanying transcript on our website:

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Welcome to the latest episode of Gowling WLG’s list of podcast where we look at a range of topics trending in the legal and commercial landscapes.

Nick Mumby: Hello and welcome to the first episode of the Gowling WLG Build to Rent (BTR) podcast. I am Nick Mumby, a partner in the Real Estate group and lead partner for our BTR subsector. Today I am joined by Andrew Screen, the head of Residential Capital Markets at BNP Paribas Real Estate.

We are going to be taking a look back at what happened in the markets in 2022 and try and make some predictions for the coming year of 2023. Andrew great to have you with us. I cannot think of a better person to pick through some of the issues and some of the investment topics that we are going to be covering today.

Andrew Screen: Nick, delighted to join you this morning.

Nick: So let’s start with 2022, it was a fairly tumultuous year for many reasons, both with macro-economic and political instability and all sorts of other things causing a hard time for the markets. But with all that going on, BTR held up pretty well and for at least most of the year, it was both a successful investments product and there was quite a lot of activity.

Andrew: Yes so 2022 started off, we had obviously construction cost increases that have come out of 2021 but those were sort of very much on everybody else’s mind, as well as our contractors and a lot of person investors. We also had an increase in interest rates coming forward, which obviously made everybody very much concerned particularly with funding development costs, but again investment was still very strong. We saw new investment coming in about June/July through to about August/September and these are new entrants into the market with lower cost of capital. So, basically cheaper money to invest in the sector and obviously interest in the sector purely from its growth in the past.

We then went into the mini budget, which was at that stage – we went into -literally the shutters came down on investment or what I like to call a financial state of suspended animation. The money was there but it wasn’t moving…

Nick: Yes

Andrew: …and that was certainly kind of into the last quarter. What’s great is we have seen the money coming back in, in the last month in January and these are investors who are certainly looking at investment, they want to see all types of investment, but larger investments so that is of the normal standard 350 units plus on build to rent. But what is quite interesting is investors looking at those 100/250 units as well.

Nick: Yes, very good and we will come back to that a little bit later on. And in terms of locations and again sort of sizes of schemes throughout 2022, I think it is fair to say it was focused on the main markets, the main cities but what were your views on that and where people were looking to invest primarily?

Andrew: This is quite interesting because the majority of investors target London and then the key regional cities for their investment, but actually when you have a look at build to rent 60% of all the investment has gone into the regional cities and locations and only 40% into London. So, you get better returns being on the regional side rather than London. Also, there is a lot more supply, probably less planning regulation – easier to get planning in the regions. In other words, there is more transaction availability in the regions than in Central London. But we expect to see the kind of key regional cities continue to grow in build to rent, so that is Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Bristol. Those are what I call “super prime”. In other words, they attract more attention than the kind of if you want the other secondary kind of regional cities.

Nick: And is that driven by a sort of a growth in market knowledge as the market matures from investors who are then more prepared and more sort of comfortable putting their money into the regions outside London? Or is it more that there is a larger amount of sort of local UK investment and therefore, will already have a good knowledge of those regional markets?

Andrew: The answer is yes to both.

Nick: Ok [laughs]

Andrew: So, what we have is that the majority of international investors prefer the first asset to be in London. That is kind of the safe haven, everybody wants that first risk effectively to be in the lowest risk capital which is London and then they will move out to Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds which are quite right. In terms of moist of the regional in other words secondary and tertiary locations most of those are UK pension funds – driven by those – or people that invest in second or tertiary product primarily. But generally speaking, out of all of the investment you have got 75% of the investment will go for London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, those “super primes”, and then you whittle it down to 50% or 25% of investors will look within those secondary or tertiary locations.

Nick: Yes understood. That all makes very good sense. And so, looking forward – 2023 – you said there is a bit of activity already but I think we will probably both agree that it is not exactly going at full speed at the moment and how do you see the year coming forward? What are we to expect this year do you think?

Andrew: I think it is going to be a very exciting year in terms of phases, so it is important to understand that a build to rent transaction takes about six to nine months to complete. In other words that is from the developer putting the product into the market to actually closing a deal and depending on the type of debt funding and whatever used. So, in other words, to get to financial close, it will take about six to nine months, which means that any transaction that has basically started last year will only come forward kind of this year and that is why if we had a sort of dry last quarter, in other words investment not moving, it means that those investors are not looking to tie into deals in terms of heads of terms and getting into legals. Now, when you kind of look forward it means that any deal that comes to market in this quarter will probably only close in Q3/Q4.

Nick: Yes.

Andrew: So, the deals that are actually closing in Q1 in terms of January and February, those are deals that went back into that June/July period…

Nick: Yes, that makes sense.

Andrew: So, these are development deals not stabilised assets, which obviously trail a lot faster. So, in terms of actually the four quarters of the year, I expect this first quarter we are going to see a lot of investors looking for product. Everybody wants to get a deal and to certainly close a deal by the end of the year and that is where the pressure is going to be on, to close a deal within that kind of 18 months since last year June/July. And to do that everybody needs to be finding that deal and settling into the deal now. I think Q2 will be driven by heads of terms, so those deals will be identified certainly going into heads of terms looking at how they constructed the deal best to their advantage and then instructing legals in that kind of Q2/Q3 point. In other words that then leads you into Q3 financial close or Q4 financial close and some of those may stray into Q1 of next year.

Nick: Ok, super. So, I will be taking my holiday over the next few months and getting ready for a busy second half of the year hopefully.

Andrew: That’s certainly the way that I would see it. But we are going to see an influx of deals coming in, particularly in Q2 because a lot of deals were held up or held back because of the lack of investment in Q4. These are all going to start coming through, so we are going to see a flurry of deals, certainly in that Q2.

Nick: Which is good and also suggests that there is some money coming from potentially different places i.e. if the investment was not there at the end of last year, things have settled down a bit. Are we seeing some new players coming into the market or is this just some of the existing players who have tooled up particularly well and have got piles of cash to deploy?

Andrew: We have got a huge supply and demand differential in this market, in other words a massive demand for rentals, both for for sell accommodation and very little supply coming forward, as well as investors that are targeting the sector. So, in last year kind of June/July, we saw a lot of funds reallocating funding to the living sectors, as opposed to kind of build to rent generally, but to that living sector and these were very serious players, players with intent of a billion pounds investment in these sectors. So, this is over and above the existing investors who are obviously trying to expand their portfolios. S,o this year we are going to see new money coming in, so we have already seen some identified and certainly coming into the sector at that sort of £200 million to a billion pounds, so we are going to see a lot more money and I think it is going to be quite interesting because we have got very little supply. In other words very little product in terms of build to rent forward funding deals and also sell pro.

Nick: Yes ok. You mentioned forward funding – one of the things that you and I have discussed – that has always been sort of a model that is what developers quite like because they can bring their product to the market and then effectively pass it on to the investor, build it out and know that if everything goes well then they get a kicker at the end, but they have also got their fees paid and all the rest of it, and they have shifted the site that they have allocated, so they have got their capital upfront. It looks like that might be something which a lot of investors are now sort of a little bit less keen to use that type of structure and are more incentivised to try and keep the developers with a bit a skin in the game. Is that something that you are seeing with some of the deals that are coming through and the structures that are being proposed?

Andrew: So this is the – just to give you a basic idea – this is a typical transaction like forward purchase, so we are going to see a lot of house builders offloading stock on a forward purchase type of deal – where they cannot sell it into the traditional markets. On the forward funding deals, the reason why these structures will change is because, there is uncertainty in the market, so there is a lot of money chasing the sector, but the problem is that there is uncertainty about how that is going to come forward. So, what is going to happen is we are going to see those structures changing. My personal view is that the yields will not shift out, so the capitalisation rates, because there is such a demand for the product. But, the issue is that a lot of investors don’t know that, and so they kind of view is that deals may move out because they have moved out all of the other sectors. So, retail has moved out, industrial yields have moved out, logistics – they’ve moved out, they’ve come back in again and moved out. So, what is going to happen to build to rent and I think this is the important thing, is that you have got high rent growth rates, as well as kind of yields which I believe will remain stable, as they are at the moment. But from an investor’s perspective, will those rental increases really happen and will the yields really stabilise? So, in terms of the restructuring of the deals, I think what we are going to see is a risk transfer to some extent.

Nick: And that seems sensible doesn’t it? I mean up to this point, and I say this primarily as a developer’s lawyer – so I probably shouldn’t say things like that – clearly that means the developer taking on a bit more risk. But it is the structure that we have seen in a lot of other types of transactions, a lot of other offices for example is often the way that the developer is required to take an equity stake and to build it out and do it through a joint venture type arrangement where, you know, they do still have some skin in the game and therefore they are more incentivised to ensure that all the targets are met and so on and so forth, because they don’t get anything back until a bit later on.

Andrew: I think the best thing is probably to describe it with an example. So let’s just say the total development value is £100 million and that includes the developer’s profit of £10 million – 10% – and includes the land value of…let’s call it £10 million as well. Now, the certainty we have is that will it be worth £100 million in two or three years’ time? Will that rent growth happen outside of what the normal performance is? And in other words what the investor is looking to do is say well if it does not happen, then I don’t want to be paying out all that profit payment, or I don’t want to be paying all the land payment. So, we are going to see deals whereby either a portion of that land payment is deferred… to the backend PC, or to stabilisation, and likewise that profit payment. In other words, once that asset is built out it will have a value but once it is leased up, it will have a certain value. And once that certain value can be determined and from my point of view is most developers aren’t very pro the industry and certainly pro build to rent growth and what have you, but I think those growth rates will happen, I don’t think yields will move out and because of that, I speak to developers and say you should take confidence that that product will retain that value. Because generally speaking, investors are very cautious and they will be taking a lower view on values and the kind of risk as well. So, I don’t see it… I just expect to see those kind of structures coming forward and I’ve certainly spoken to investors who are looking to “do a deal” as they put it, which can also relate to not only deferring of land payments and profit payments, but possibly also where there is a ‘pref’ – a preferential return – for the investor before the profit is paid out, all of those structures are effectively the same thing. In other words, deferring that risk. But I think what’s important is that the developer should understand that they should be entitled to an upside…

Nick: Yes of course.

Andrew: On those returns, because they’re effectively deferring a profit, which in their view they shouldn’t be deferring their profit.

Nick: And so on to that end, you know – there is a potential for making, you know – if prices and yields remain at the right levels, we are going to have more profit, which means there will be more money for everybody and the developer will get to share in a bit of that as well.

Andrew: I think we have got two kind of worlds that we are living in at the moment. We have got huge news headlines – “house prices are falling” – they are going to fall during this year, which I agree they will, not by a huge amount and I think they will bounce back fairly quickly. But you have also got rents going up as well as capitalisation rates not moving out, so that means that actually on a rental product, your value is going to increase, whereas on the sale product you are seeing a decrease. Surprisingly, you have now got this gap in the market and you have to convince an investor that this gap is there and does actually exist but the for sale prices will come back.

Nick: Yes of course.

Andrew: So I think this is the slight problem that everybody is going “well the build to rent must then be falling in price”, and that is not the case.

Nick: No indeed, indeed. And you mentioned that rents are increasing and they are at the moment and don’t want to get down too much of a rabbit hole, but rent caps are something that do come up in conversation and what might be just some of the sort of high level impacts of if we did see rent caps being imposed, either nationally or over specific markets like London?

Andrew: I think there is a lot of talk about affordability. You know we have got a huge demand for rented product, very little supply of rented product, which means rents are going up, they went up 12% last year, London up 17%, and so there is obviously a lot of people concerned about rent increases.

I firmly believe that if you want to reduce rentals or control rentals, you should increase supply. Let’s go back to basic economics, supply and demand. So build more homes of all types and basically rents will not go up as quickly, and that is quite simple. But I think the issue is that this is seen as a kind of ‘stop gap’ position, in other words, if we put a rent cap on that will be fine it will become more affordable for everybody, but I think it is a short term kind of provision because you still do not address the underlying problem, which is there is a lack of supply, which comes back to planning and back to regulations and that is why you get the supply demand indifference, which you don’t usually see in the US for instance, where the planning is much more efficient. But in terms of rent caps is that one of the fundamental problems that I have with rent caps is that because it’s not consistent. If you are an investor underwriting a return and you want to know that that return or effectively rent increases are linked to some kind of CPI index or RPI index or HBI index for that matter. But if you have got a local authority or Government that can suddenly just turn around and say your rent cap was 4% but now it is 2% or that it is now capped at a level or basically that you have now removed it or brought it back in. It is that inconsistency which is difficult to underwrite from an investment perspective.

Nick: Yes of course. So we’ve been talking about new structures. We have been talking about various different ways in which the pricing, construction pricing, investment returns impact on the product. We’ve also got, and we’ve also seen already, quite a lot of regulatory changes. There are more regulatory changes coming down the line, some of them we know about, some of them we don’t. We touched on rent caps just a minute ago, which is something that people might start to look at and some interesting thoughts from Andrew on what the impact of that might be, but we have also got some changes along the lines of EPCs with more stringent requirements coming in. What do you think the impact of that is going to be first up?

Andrew: I think on EPC, we have already seen something like 300,000 buy-to-let landlords move out of the sector in the last five years and this is largely down to taxation but also regulation as well.

Nick: The individual is being squeezed out.

Andrew: Exactly. And so, as that EPC starts to bite, which will be kind of 2025 and 2028, particularly 2028, which is the effectively the ‘drop dead’ deadline, so 2025 is for all new build property and 2028 is for any property on the rental. Now, will all of these… will we see a mass exodus of landlords in this space? Well the way the legislation is written, yes we will. Whether it is actually practical to implement that I am not quite sure. But what it really means as you put it are those sort of buy-to-let landlords being squeezed out and certainly they are. Does this mean we are going to get more institutional funding coming into that space? I think we will certainly get new product, because that is the only way to basically satisfy the EPC and a lot of the other regulations like number of staircases, fire regulations that are coming into the sector as well. So institutional investment coming to the sector that is a good thing.

Nick: Yes.

Andrew: But the reduction of overall rental supply or stock is a bad thing.

Nick: Of course.

Andrew: Because obviously if you take out the rental stock, prices go up again. You get less supply into the market.

Nick: Exactly, and it is one of these things that it is difficult for institutions to buy individual, or even small, portfolios because for them for the product to work they need numbers, they need to aggregate and obviously dealing with it in a very granular way is very complicated and not something that they have really been able to achieve. On the difference between institutional landlords and private landlords, is it often a lot of discussion about the good points and the bad points but actually it does seem that on the whole, an institutional landlord is going to be much better for the renter than the private landlord. I think that is a fair assessment. Would you agree or is that giving too much credence to the advantage of our big pension funds?

Andrew: I think it goes down to two things: one, economies a scale. In other words the institutional landlord can get more properties, therefore more efficiently manage those properties for a cost, or a cost base, in other words is the gross to net or operational costs. Also, they can build up bigger schemes compared to the smaller kind of buy-to-let kind of landlord. The interesting thing is though that I think we need all types of product because the institutional landlord will not go and invest at scale in a lot of locations, particularly for example Cornwall where there is still a demand for rented accommodation but does not necessarily attract institutional landlords, mainly because we come back to scale again. I think it is quite interesting what is happening in the market is some of those institutional landlords are now looking at smaller scale build to rent or PRS blocks, that 100 to 200 kind of units as opposed to 350 units plus. So across the whole spectrum, I think we need to encourage landlords as much as possible, but evidently most residents will prefer a fully amenitised unit.

Nick: Yes, that of course as you say for those smaller schemes – the amenities – it does not support the same level of, or does not support the need for the same level of amenities, cannot get the space to be able to provide more than perhaps you know a gym or a few communal areas. Ok, and then just looking wider at the increase in investment into single family housing and how that is sort of coming together within the market as a separate BTR or distinct BTR product. Where do you see that coming forward over the next year or how do you see that coming over the next year and what are some of the advantages to investing into that type of product?

Andrew: Well we saw a couple of portfolios trade in the last few years in single family but one of the biggest problems about institutional investment into single family is being able to aggregate. In other words, being able to get to scale. Because if we’re buying ten units at a time it is very difficult to transact half a billion pounds worth of stock.

Nick: Of course.

Andrew: So that is why the single housing investors are typically been targeting 50 units or 100/150 units. What is quite interesting is that we are going to see house-builders offloading stock where they cannot sell into the normal for sale market, looking at those institutional buyers. So, this is an opportunity for institutional investors to get into that single family housing, or a rural housing for a better word, at scale. So, I think you are going to see that institutional investment grow into that sector over the next two years as they can get to scale a lot more quickly.

Nick: Absolutely, and of course being precipitated by things like interest rate hikes, which has made mortgages more difficult to get which have meant that the individual has found it more difficult to buy, of course Help to Buy coming to an end as well another one of the sort of big products that has been of great advantage to the house builders and purchasers of course, but it does seem that that has created an opening for institutional investors to come and talk to the house builders and say actually don’t sell this whole section to individuals we’ll buy that. And of course once you are into that type of cycle the house builders realise that this is a more efficient way, it might not necessarily be as profitable as it is by selling them on an individual basis but they are getting the cash in on a much more efficient basis.

Andrew: Single family is quite interesting because, if you invest in let’s say build to rent, you’re investing £150/£200 million in one building. Which means you have got a three to four year construction period, so you add a risk from the development phase for three or four years. And single family housing, do not forget these houses are built over a period of months.

Nick: Yes.

Andrew: So, you can have, and at any point in the cycle you can just stop the construction and not all that anymore, or not invest in it anymore, so you are also getting a lot more units completed and stabilised on a phased basis, so you are getting income in during actually your overall construction bit so that is the advantage, they are a lot easier to manage because you are not actually providing all of those amenities. There are some schools of thought that single family housing should come with amenity levels. There are other schools of thought that basically that they are not, they are clearly just a landlord – if you want resident relationship. But either way it is a slightly different product from your build to rent but it is more akin to rural accommodation, which build to rent does not really work for.

Nick: No precisely. And just going back to our investors again and just thinking about what they are looking for, where are we in terms of returns and numbers and the such like, what are you seeing at the moment in terms of the expectations, of investors coming in and looking for product?

Andrew: Well we have had in the past the target kind of returns from most investors in build to rent was kind of a 16 to 18% RR, over roughly at about a five to seven year hold period, and that is on a levelled basis of about 65% debt funding.

Now obviously with an increase in debt funding costs, which have almost doubled, some of the total debt funding costs for construction roughly works at about 11%, of the target taken the debt funding, hedging costs, the arrangement fees, all the other fees.

Nick: So if you can get the funding in the first place. [laughs]

Andrew: And because of the construction cost increases and interest rate rises, you cannot get to a 16 or 18% RR.

Nick: No.

Andrew: What is interesting is most of the new money coming in is at about a 10 to 12% RR, or should I say that is the new expectation certainly from a developer’s point of view. And so, that lower cost of funding if you were are about 10 or 11% RR on equity, pure equity investment. That does not make any difference whether it is unlevered or levered…

Nick: Yeah ok.

Andrew: It’d cost you the same. In other words, debts are a lot like creatine to those target developments. So, a lot of interesting points coming forward here is that we are going to see quite a lot of investors just funding 100% equity, no debt finance during construction and then there will be finding out later once rates have improved or the hedging costs are not so expensive.

Nick: Exactly and once you have got a stabilised product that you can take to a funder and who can analyse a lot more clearly I think this is one of the issues that I have seen with a number of putative loans is not being able to get a fixed and a proper feel as to the exact construction costs. If you can’t get a feel for the construction costs, you don’t what your overall input is and that causes huge problems from an underwriting perspective. It is maybe not quite that bad all the time but if you are a conservative lender, then you are going to struggle to get comfortable with the position at the moment.

Andrew: One of the interesting things is that you have got because of the rent increases in build to rent, rents will go up 5 to 7% this year again and possibly again next year. It means you have got a play on both the capital asset value of those that yield and partial rent increases given your total return, which is not something you see frequently in other asset classes. So, this is an opportunity but it is a case of investors being cautious to underwrite a more sensible rent inflation versus what will probably actually be achieved. So it is a very interesting play at the moment from an investment point of view, across the whole of the living sectors not just build to rent.

Nick: Yes. Understood. Understood. OK so I think it sounds like we are going to see an interesting year. It sounds like it is going to be busier towards the end of the year. We are hopefully going to get all of those heads of terms in circulation over the next three to four months maybe, with as you say, with the deals coming forward Q3/Q4 and I think it is, and certainly sounds like it should be, a good bet for investment in terms of returns and everything else. Just whether or not there is enough product on the market to satisfy everybody’s appetites. Andrew, anything further from you, anything we have not covered that you would like to say right now?

Andrew: Sure, it is going to be interesting to see the types of transactions we are going to be seeing this year as well. I think we are going to see a lot of purchase of block, in other words PRS blocks, 50 units/100 units going up to what some people are terming build to rent at 150 units. We are going to see that whole spectrum of the smaller scale as investors look to get into the market, so that is either stabilised product or to be built product. We are also going to see the standard 400/500 units kind of product coming forward as well, as we have seen in the past but I think this year we are going to see mergers, acquisitions coming forward as wel,l so there will be a couple of corporate transactions and this is because we are seeing a lot of those players who are interested in investing £500 million into the sector fairly quickly, so I think it will be the first year we see those big transactions coming forward and certainly that will probably continue over this year and next as that huge amount of equity gets to come into the sector and pay at the later scale.

Nick: Something very exciting and something to look forward to.

Andrew: It most certainly will be.

Nick: Andrew, thank you very much indeed for your time.

Andrew: Thank you very much Nick, it has been a pleasure.

Thanks for joining Gowling WLG for this podcast. If you enjoyed this episode be sure to check out our website at for more useful insights and resources and do not forget to subscribe to ensure you join us for our next episode.

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Introductory webinar: Net Zero for UK businesses
Introductory webinar: Net Zero for UK businesses
The Carbon Trust

21759  views 27 May 2022

Incident responders, solving e-crime through digital forensics & cyber trends
Incident responders, solving e-crime through digital forensics & cyber trends
Forvis Mazars

21160  views 22 December 2022

The Power of People Reimagined – Workforce reporting transformation
HD - Talking Heads
The Power of People Reimagined – Workforce reporting transformation

21117  views 16 September 2022

ESG – the intersection with technology and assurance
ESG – the intersection with technology and assurance
Forvis Mazars

20371  views 2 September 2022

Retail in the Metaverse
Retail in the Metaverse
Mishcon de Reya LLP

20177  views 20 October 2022

Time to talk about mental health at work
Time to talk about mental health at work

20142  views 17 March 2023

Selling your business? Here are your options
Selling your business? Here are your options
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

20121  views 4 August 2022

Ian Stewart, Deloitte UK’s Chief Economist, provides an overview of macro-economic trends
Ian Stewart, Deloitte UK’s Chief Economist, provides an overview of macro-economic trends

20070  views 22 September 2022

Six Finance Broker Pitfalls to avoid
Six Finance Broker Pitfalls to avoid
Causon Business Finance

19974  views 11 January 2022

London Report 2023
London Report 2023
Knight Frank

19968  views 15 February 2023

Manufacturing Outlook | Q3 2022
Manufacturing Outlook | Q3 2022

19953  views 23 September 2022

Latest Content
Accelerating growth through acquisition – FD Webinar part 4
Accelerating growth through acquisition – FD Webinar part 4

16849  views 4hours ago

Why your business strategy needs flexibility
Why your business strategy needs flexibility

15556  views 17 October 2024

Cyber security for start-ups
Cyber security for start-ups
Mishcon de Reya LLP

6155  views 17 October 2024

Stealth tax?- Wealth tax?
Stealth tax?- Wealth tax?
Brooks Macdonald

9593  views 16 October 2024

Are you ready for VAT on school fees?
Webinar - Slides
Are you ready for VAT on school fees?
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

8376  views 16 October 2024

The Great Wealth Transfer
The Great Wealth Transfer
Quilter Cheviot

3553  views 15 October 2024

Investment Outlook Q4 2024 
Investment Outlook Q4 2024 
Fidelity UK

16195  views 14 October 2024

Building Supply Chain Resilience
Webinar - Slides
Building Supply Chain Resilience

5099  views 14 October 2024

How brands can disrupt consumer healthcare decisions
How brands can disrupt consumer healthcare decisions

4868  views 11 October 2024

Looking to leave a lasting legacy?
Looking to leave a lasting legacy?
Killik & Co

16565  views 11 October 2024

Contracting with EU Customers
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Contracting with EU Customers
British Chambers of Commerce

12411  views 11 October 2024

Potential UK and US tax changes in 2025 and beyond
Potential UK and US tax changes in 2025 and beyond
Mishcon de Reya LLP

8835  views 10 October 2024

The use of AI in the workplace – from permitted to prohibited practices
Webinar - Slides
The use of AI in the workplace – from permitted to prohibited practices

3207  views 10 October 2024

Preparing for Autumn Budget 2024
Preparing for Autumn Budget 2024

14257  views 9 October 2024

The employment landscape post the General Election
Webinar - Slides
The employment landscape post the General Election
HR Solutions

11318  views 9 October 2024

Navigating career growth and mental health challenges
Navigating career growth and mental health challenges
Crowe UK

8978  views 8 October 2024

BSI Flex on net zero planning for SMEs Views from the user community
Webinar - Slides
BSI Flex on net zero planning for SMEs Views from the user community
British Standards Institution (BSI Group)

6255  views 8 October 2024

The Do’s and Don’ts when implementing an AI policy
The Do’s and Don’ts when implementing an AI policy
DLA Piper

6097  views 7 October 2024

Market Moves
Market Moves
Charles Stanley

3267  views 7 October 2024

What could the Autumn Budget mean for your money?
What could the Autumn Budget mean for your money?
Hargreaves Lansdown

15680  views 4 October 2024

Relocation from the UK
Relocation from the UK
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

4291  views 3 October 2024

Who will be the retail winners in a growth challenged environment?
Who will be the retail winners in a growth challenged environment?

8870  views 2 October 2024

Interests and Positions in a Dispute
Interests and Positions in a Dispute
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR)

10035  views 1 October 2024

Employment Contracts: frequently asked questions
Webinar - Slides
Employment Contracts: frequently asked questions

5303  views 30 September 2024

Basel 3.1 final policy published
Basel 3.1 final policy published
Forvis Mazars

4451  views 27 September 2024

Effective Communications
Webinar - Slides
Effective Communications

11547  views 27 September 2024

VAT on school fees – what should independent schools do now?
VAT on school fees – what should independent schools do now?
Larking Gowen

7390  views 27 September 2024

People matter: Carer’s leave
People matter: Carer’s leave
Mills & Reeve

3918  views 26 September 2024

Transformative ESG Compliance: CSRD and Beyond
Transformative ESG Compliance: CSRD and Beyond

8655  views 26 September 2024

Why startup-corporate collaborations can propel market disruption
Why startup-corporate collaborations can propel market disruption

12106  views 25 September 2024

Tax Takes for Midlife Savers: Managing Capital Gains Tax, Pensions and Inheritances
Tax Takes for Midlife Savers: Managing Capital Gains Tax, Pensions and Inheritances
Killik & Co

16890  views 24 September 2024

What is the Brussels effect and does it apply to the EU AI Act?
What is the Brussels effect and does it apply to the EU AI Act?
DLA Piper

8434  views 24 September 2024

Introduction to capital allowances
Introduction to capital allowances

9744  views 23 September 2024

How will an IPDI save inheritance 
How will an IPDI save inheritance 

14298  views 23 September 2024

Managing ESG litigation risk – derivative actions
Managing ESG litigation risk – derivative actions
Gowling WLG

8276  views 20 September 2024

Will AI stop misinformation?
Will AI stop misinformation?

4724  views 20 September 2024

Taking Stock – After The Bell: Cracks in the economy
Taking Stock – After The Bell: Cracks in the economy
Quilter Cheviot

5768  views 19 September 2024

Later Life Lending: How advisors can enhance their skills
Later Life Lending: How advisors can enhance their skills
Legal & General

10542  views 19 September 2024

What are the key differences between a liquidation and an administration?
What are the key differences between a liquidation and an administration?

5165  views 18 September 2024

Residential Apprenticeship Programme
Residential Apprenticeship Programme
Make UK - The Manufacturers'​ Organisation

11742  views 17 September 2024

2024 Superpowers Index: Deep-Dive Into the Latest Findings
2024 Superpowers Index: Deep-Dive Into the Latest Findings
B2B International Market Research

8701  views 16 September 2024

Killik & Co’s Market Update:
Killik & Co’s Market Update:
Killik & Co

8707  views 12 September 2024

CharitEpulse trust in the sector is up!
Podcast - Audio Only
CharitEpulse trust in the sector is up!
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

6466  views 12 September 2024

Market Update Q3 2024
Market Update Q3 2024
Gardiner & Theobald

8613  views 11 September 2024

Panel Pioneering the future of artificial intelligence
Panel Pioneering the future of artificial intelligence
DLA Piper

9261  views 10 September 2024

An overview of research & development (R&D) tax relief
An overview of research & development (R&D) tax relief
Azets UK

11866  views 10 September 2024

Client-centric Solutions: Creating Trusting and Lasting Financial Support
Client-centric Solutions: Creating Trusting and Lasting Financial Support
Legal & General

12909  views 9 September 2024

The importance of the Quarterly Economic Survey
The importance of the Quarterly Economic Survey
Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce

5699  views 6 September 2024

National Minimum Wage Consultation Webinar with With LPC Commissioners and industry experts
Webinar - Slides
National Minimum Wage Consultation Webinar with With LPC Commissioners and industry experts

8563  views 5 September 2024

Tax Policy | What to expect under the new government
Tax Policy | What to expect under the new government

18582  views 5 September 2024

Financial mistakes, part two – navigating middle age
Financial mistakes, part two – navigating middle age
Killik & Co

11708  views 21 August 2024

Social media & the impact of cancel culture on brands
Webinar - Slides
Social media & the impact of cancel culture on brands
The Chartered Institute of Marketing

16972  views 20 August 2024

What could have caused the stock market summer stumble?
What could have caused the stock market summer stumble?
AJ Bell

8508  views 19 August 2024

Accounts preparation | Academy Accounts Workshop
Accounts preparation | Academy Accounts Workshop

7319  views 15 August 2024

Tackling the complexities of employment taxes
Tackling the complexities of employment taxes
Azets UK

5562  views 14 August 2024

Taking Stock – After The Bell: Volatility Strikes Back!
Taking Stock – After The Bell: Volatility Strikes Back!
Quilter Cheviot

10457  views 13 August 2024

Advanced analytics
Podcast - Audio Only
Advanced analytics
Willis Towers Watson

8029  views 13 August 2024

How CEOs Are Investing In AI
How CEOs Are Investing In AI
Oliver Wyman

5586  views 12 August 2024

Understanding National Minimum Wage compliance
Understanding National Minimum Wage compliance
Azets UK

10210  views 12 August 2024

Building inclusive benefits: what employers should know
Building inclusive benefits: what employers should know
REBA - Reward & Employee Benefits Association

9761  views 9 August 2024

BEPS 2.0: Considering the right technology response for compliance
BEPS 2.0: Considering the right technology response for compliance

8570  views 9 August 2024

Digital Fortress: Incident Response Planning – Lessons from the field
Digital Fortress: Incident Response Planning – Lessons from the field
Mishcon de Reya LLP

7990  views 8 August 2024

The top generative AI tools – a how-to guide for marketers
Webinar - Slides
The top generative AI tools – a how-to guide for marketers
The Chartered Institute of Marketing

8532  views 8 August 2024

M&A outlook with a new Government in place
M&A outlook with a new Government in place
Azets UK

10569  views 8 August 2024

How to get on infrastructure procurement lists
How to get on infrastructure procurement lists
Department for International Trade

12976  views 7 August 2024

UK Skills Policy and Delivery – opportunities for the new government
UK Skills Policy and Delivery – opportunities for the new government

7791  views 7 August 2024

Protecting your employees from harassment
Webinar - Slides
Protecting your employees from harassment
HR Solutions

5262  views 6 August 2024

Technology Contractor Day Rate Guide – Launch Video 1/3
Technology Contractor Day Rate Guide – Launch Video 1/3
Hays UK & Ireland

5745  views 6 August 2024

Killik & Co’s Market Update: 2nd Aug
Killik & Co’s Market Update: 2nd Aug
Killik & Co

7780  views 5 August 2024

Creating the Ultimate B2B Experience
Webinar - Slides
Creating the Ultimate B2B Experience
B2B International Market Research

5398  views 5 August 2024

If we lend money to adult children from a trust, is it tax-free?
If we lend money to adult children from a trust, is it tax-free?

12415  views 2 August 2024

An Introduction to Foreign Exchange trading
An Introduction to Foreign Exchange trading

8635  views 2 August 2024

The UK election: What does it mean for mid-market private equity
The UK election: What does it mean for mid-market private equity

14726  views 1 August 2024

Talking HEds: Redundancies and student contract
Podcast - Audio Only
Talking HEds: Redundancies and student contract
Mills & Reeve

3794  views 1 August 2024

The 2024 Gartner AI Hype Cycle™
The 2024 Gartner AI Hype Cycle™

11829  views 31 July 2024

What is IR35? Here’s what you *NEED* to know!
What is IR35? Here’s what you *NEED* to know!
Gerald Edelman

8594  views 31 July 2024

When will the EU AI Act be applicable
When will the EU AI Act be applicable
DLA Piper

6453  views 31 July 2024

Tax control benefits for privately owned businesses
Tax control benefits for privately owned businesses
Forvis Mazars

10709  views 30 July 2024

International Trade in the Digital era – UK and EU perspectives
International Trade in the Digital era – UK and EU perspectives
Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce

11607  views 30 July 2024

Biodiversity Net Gain – How are the new rules changing the landscape?
Biodiversity Net Gain – How are the new rules changing the landscape?
Gowling WLG

6660  views 29 July 2024

Prepared minds – How to think with and about generative AI
Webinar - Slides
Prepared minds – How to think with and about generative AI
The Chartered Institute of Marketing

8658  views 29 July 2024

Offering Tangible Value
Offering Tangible Value
Legal & General

8095  views 26 July 2024

Preparing for The General Product Safety Regulation
Preparing for The General Product Safety Regulation
Osborne Clarke

6387  views 26 July 2024

10 benefits of creating a holding company
10 benefits of creating a holding company
Haines Watts

12200  views 25 July 2024

Roundtable: Futureproofing Greater Manchester’s built environment
Roundtable: Futureproofing Greater Manchester’s built environment

8314  views 25 July 2024

The Building Safety Act: Current impacts and future directions
The Building Safety Act: Current impacts and future directions
Mishcon de Reya LLP

11832  views 25 July 2024

Taking Stock – After The Bell: All hail the UK “Dullness Dividend”
Taking Stock – After The Bell: All hail the UK “Dullness Dividend”
Quilter Cheviot

3969  views 24 July 2024

Private Capital Pulse: Episode 1 – Energy Transition
Private Capital Pulse: Episode 1 – Energy Transition
DLA Piper

8693  views 24 July 2024

British Chambers of Commerce

12986  views 24 July 2024

Killik & Co’s Market Update: 19th July
Killik & Co’s Market Update: 19th July
Killik & Co

8819  views 23 July 2024

The Road Ahead Webinar Recording – July 2024
The Road Ahead Webinar Recording – July 2024
Make UK - The Manufacturers'​ Organisation

11410  views 23 July 2024

Is your tech transformation driven by business need or FOMO?
Podcast - Audio Only
Is your tech transformation driven by business need or FOMO?
Forvis Mazars

6672  views 22 July 2024

UK General Election: Impact on Business Tax
UK General Election: Impact on Business Tax

6701  views 19 July 2024

Optimise To Thrive: Managing, challenging and optimising your cost base
Webinar - Slides
Optimise To Thrive: Managing, challenging and optimising your cost base

13018  views 19 July 2024

Consumer outlook mid-year update 2024
Consumer outlook mid-year update 2024

8667  views 18 July 2024

Boost your pension potential
Boost your pension potential
Hargreaves Lansdown

9695  views 18 July 2024

Preparing for Green Reforms: Impact on the retail sector
Preparing for Green Reforms: Impact on the retail sector
Mishcon de Reya LLP

128739  views 18 July 2024

The 3 Types of Early GenAI Adopters
The 3 Types of Early GenAI Adopters

9444  views 17 July 2024

How to Achieve World-Class Quality in B2B Market Research
How to Achieve World-Class Quality in B2B Market Research
B2B International Market Research

11800  views 17 July 2024

How does HMRC know the value of my estate when I die
How does HMRC know the value of my estate when I die

11854  views 16 July 2024

The Current HealthTech Landscape, Why Do We Need To Crack Interoperability?
The Current HealthTech Landscape, Why Do We Need To Crack Interoperability?

5178  views 16 July 2024

Coming Out Ahead in the Energy Transition
Coming Out Ahead in the Energy Transition
L.E.K. Consulting

7015  views 16 July 2024

Salaried member rules for LLPs
Podcast - Audio Only
Salaried member rules for LLPs

6418  views 16 July 2024

What the new government means for business
What the new government means for business

24736  views 15 July 2024

How to make an effective financial gift
How to make an effective financial gift
Killik & Co

9315  views 15 July 2024

Infrastructure & Construction: The Untapped Digital Potential
Podcast - Audio Only
Infrastructure & Construction: The Untapped Digital Potential
Accenture UK

8360  views 15 July 2024

UKRI Grant Audits – Our guide to navigating the process
UKRI Grant Audits – Our guide to navigating the process

8695  views 12 July 2024

Prepare for the UK CBAM now
Prepare for the UK CBAM now

8298  views 12 July 2024

Energy transition spotlights: Energy users
Energy transition spotlights: Energy users
Womble Bond Dickinson

4262  views 11 July 2024

Financing net zero neighbourhoods in the UK: An integrated approach
Financing net zero neighbourhoods in the UK: An integrated approach
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

5566  views 11 July 2024

Knowing your DC default strategy is the beginning of all wisdom
Knowing your DC default strategy is the beginning of all wisdom
Barnett Waddingham

6143  views 11 July 2024

Access to Finance: Opening doors to Investment in Manufacturing
Access to Finance: Opening doors to Investment in Manufacturing
Make UK - The Manufacturers'​ Organisation

15401  views 11 July 2024

Local and National Briefing on the Q2 Quarterly Economic Survey results
Local and National Briefing on the Q2 Quarterly Economic Survey results
Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce

8826  views 10 July 2024

Our reflections on the 2024 General Election result
Our reflections on the 2024 General Election result
Killik & Co

12015  views 10 July 2024

Navigating UK Competition Law – trends, priorities, and enforcement
Navigating UK Competition Law – trends, priorities, and enforcement
Mills & Reeve

9302  views 10 July 2024

Digital Revolution Breakout Session
Digital Revolution Breakout Session
British Chambers of Commerce

4386  views 9 July 2024

Exploring mid-sized business productivity
Exploring mid-sized business productivity
Grant Thornton

7991  views 9 July 2024

Labour’s win, what does this mean for you? Key takeaways for your money and investments.
Labour’s win, what does this mean for you? Key takeaways for your money and investments.
Hargreaves Lansdown

15066  views 8 July 2024

Financial Reporting Webinar | June 2024
Webinar - Slides
Financial Reporting Webinar | June 2024

9735  views 8 July 2024

Brooks Macdonald – Strategy update – June 2024
Brooks Macdonald – Strategy update – June 2024
Brooks Macdonald

6728  views 8 July 2024

UK Election Results: Analysis of Labour’s Victory
UK Election Results: Analysis of Labour’s Victory

10821  views 5 July 2024

UK Election Manifestos – what will they mean for tax and education?
UK Election Manifestos – what will they mean for tax and education?
Larking Gowen

12761  views 4 July 2024

Getting your investments retirement ready event
Getting your investments retirement ready event
AJ Bell

8080  views 4 July 2024

Key contractual considerations for AI system procurement and successful implementation
Podcast - Audio Only
Key contractual considerations for AI system procurement and successful implementation

7606  views 4 July 2024

What Do CEOs (Really) Think About GenAI?
What Do CEOs (Really) Think About GenAI?

10014  views 3 July 2024

Governance code updates and advice for Further Education colleges from Buzzacott and the ESFA
Webinar - Slides
Governance code updates and advice for Further Education colleges from Buzzacott and the ESFA

5423  views 3 July 2024

Use EIS To Tax-Efficiently Extract Profits From Your Business
Use EIS To Tax-Efficiently Extract Profits From Your Business

17059  views 2 July 2024

Kreston UK Charities Report 2024
Kreston UK Charities Report 2024
Duncan Toplis

6753  views 2 July 2024

Brazil: A conversation on the landscape of opportunities ahead
Podcast - Audio Only
Brazil: A conversation on the landscape of opportunities ahead
DLA Piper

2936  views 2 July 2024

Energy transition spotlights: Heat
Energy transition spotlights: Heat
Womble Bond Dickinson

5875  views 1 July 2024

Is your tech transformation driven by business need or FOMO?
Podcast - Audio Only
Is your tech transformation driven by business need or FOMO?
Forvis Mazars

3339  views 1 July 2024

Make UK Lunch and Learn: Compressors & Cooling/ Chilling Systems
Webinar - Slides
Make UK Lunch and Learn: Compressors & Cooling/ Chilling Systems
Make UK - The Manufacturers'​ Organisation

6697  views 1 July 2024

Social Value and Wellbeing Act 2024
Webinar - Slides
Social Value and Wellbeing Act 2024

4072  views 28 June 2024

Reinvention of the streaming model
Reinvention of the streaming model

7480  views 28 June 2024

People Matter: non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
People Matter: non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
Mills & Reeve

8219  views 28 June 2024

Enhance business growth by driving productivity
Enhance business growth by driving productivity
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

14775  views 27 June 2024

Managing the new rules on flexible working and predictable terms and conditions
Webinar - Slides
Managing the new rules on flexible working and predictable terms and conditions
HR Solutions

8641  views 27 June 2024

Digital Operational Resilience Act
Digital Operational Resilience Act

6566  views 27 June 2024

(Y)OUR SPACE Conversations Episode 1
(Y)OUR SPACE Conversations Episode 1
Knight Frank

5652  views 26 June 2024

Common investing catchphrases – part three
Common investing catchphrases – part three
Killik & Co

8300  views 26 June 2024

Global Risk Landscape webinar 2024
Webinar - Slides
Global Risk Landscape webinar 2024

11158  views 26 June 2024

The future of office space in the era of hybrid working: navigating the new norm
The future of office space in the era of hybrid working: navigating the new norm
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

11401  views 25 June 2024

The Future of Consulting with Paul Terrington CBE
The Future of Consulting with Paul Terrington CBE

8075  views 25 June 2024

Climate models and investing: what’s the issue?
Climate models and investing: what’s the issue?
Barnett Waddingham

5712  views 25 June 2024

UK Non-Dom Rules – what are the proposed changes?
UK Non-Dom Rules – what are the proposed changes?
MHA MacIntyre Hudson

13120  views 24 June 2024

IP Attachés for Southeast Asia and ASEAN
IP Attachés for Southeast Asia and ASEAN
Intellectual Property Office UK

4952  views 24 June 2024

The European Power Market Key Trends in Europe
The European Power Market Key Trends in Europe

6285  views 24 June 2024

Kevin’s VAT Chat Episode 11: VAT Appeals
Kevin’s VAT Chat Episode 11: VAT Appeals
Wright Hassall

9732  views 21 June 2024

Adapting to modern work dynamics: Insights from Doug Rode
Adapting to modern work dynamics: Insights from Doug Rode
Michael Page UK

4810  views 21 June 2024

Bank Of England Webinar 2024
Webinar - Slides
Bank Of England Webinar 2024
Hawsons Chartered Accountants

13745  views 20 June 2024

Economic ties between the UK and Latin America: A conversation with Vincent Keaveny
Podcast - Audio Only
Economic ties between the UK and Latin America: A conversation with Vincent Keaveny
DLA Piper

3352  views 20 June 2024

Employee Activism – Organisations Face a Perfect Storm of Conflict in 2024
Employee Activism – Organisations Face a Perfect Storm of Conflict in 2024
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR)

6883  views 20 June 2024

How UFS leveraged Gen AI to level up their customer experience and sales
How UFS leveraged Gen AI to level up their customer experience and sales

4311  views 19 June 2024

How to Ensure B2B Market Research is Strategic and Actionable
How to Ensure B2B Market Research is Strategic and Actionable
B2B International Market Research

12630  views 19 June 2024

Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2024
Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2024

13096  views 18 June 2024

What should you do if HMRC enquires into your R&D claim?
What should you do if HMRC enquires into your R&D claim?
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

6642  views 18 June 2024

The Challenges of the Procurement Act
Webinar - Slides
The Challenges of the Procurement Act
Mills & Reeve

9130  views 18 June 2024

Market update with Radcliffe & Co – May 2024 – Final
Market update with Radcliffe & Co – May 2024 – Final
Brooks Macdonald

5817  views 17 June 2024

The future of generative AI
Podcast - Audio Only
The future of generative AI

6501  views 17 June 2024

Taking Stock – After The Bell: Do Elections Even Matter?
Taking Stock – After The Bell: Do Elections Even Matter?
Quilter Cheviot

6537  views 14 June 2024

How do you move assets into a trust?
How do you move assets into a trust?

11769  views 14 June 2024

More Human, Less Machine
Podcast - Audio Only
More Human, Less Machine
Accenture UK

10099  views 14 June 2024

Managing pressure and wellbeing in global mobility
Managing pressure and wellbeing in global mobility
Crowe UK

3325  views 13 June 2024

Common investing catchphrases – part one
Common investing catchphrases – part one
Killik & Co

9041  views 13 June 2024

Celebrating 50 years of SPIN Selling
Celebrating 50 years of SPIN Selling
Huthwaite International

9671  views 12 June 2024

Crypto Taxation Webinar
Webinar - Slides
Crypto Taxation Webinar

9111  views 12 June 2024

Professional Services Tax Webinar – Transfer pricing update/Pillar 2
Webinar - Slides
Professional Services Tax Webinar – Transfer pricing update/Pillar 2

12314  views 12 June 2024

M&A in the media sector: The impact of AI
M&A in the media sector: The impact of AI
Moore Kingston Smith LLP

6814  views 11 June 2024

Helping all innovative people deliver
Helping all innovative people deliver
The Chartered Institute for IT

6262  views 11 June 2024

Opportunities in Sustainable Chemicals
Opportunities in Sustainable Chemicals
L.E.K. Consulting

4849  views 11 June 2024

Why now could be a good time to invest in the UK
Why now could be a good time to invest in the UK
Hargreaves Lansdown

12103  views 10 June 2024

Grant Thornton’s Business Outlook Tracker – April results
Grant Thornton’s Business Outlook Tracker – April results
Grant Thornton

9083  views 10 June 2024

Your Personal Brand: What Do People Really Think About You?
Your Personal Brand: What Do People Really Think About You?

12625  views 10 June 2024

Eurostar’s strategy to lead sustainable travel in Europe
Eurostar’s strategy to lead sustainable travel in Europe
Oliver Wyman

6634  views 10 June 2024

Driving digital with the personal touch
Driving digital with the personal touch
The Chartered Institute of Marketing

15689  views 7 June 2024

What’s happening to commercial property?
What’s happening to commercial property?
Certax Accounting St Albans District LTD

10842  views 7 June 2024

The Evolution of Compliance
The Evolution of Compliance
British Standards Institution (BSI Group)

6783  views 6 June 2024

Outline 30: Habitats Regulations Masterclass – 24 May 2024
Outline 30: Habitats Regulations Masterclass – 24 May 2024
DLA Piper

8240  views 6 June 2024

Market Update Q2 2024
Market Update Q2 2024
Gardiner & Theobald

11824  views 6 June 2024

Leaving the UK – What you need to consider tax wise when leaving the UK to live abroad
Webinar - Slides
Leaving the UK – What you need to consider tax wise when leaving the UK to live abroad
Larking Gowen

5920  views 5 June 2024