In our latest webinar, our expert panel, Julya Holden of Moore Kingston Smith HR Consultancy, and James Davenport of MooreMentum, detailed why measuring productivity is key for business leaders to increase profitability and business value.
The panel discussed initiatives leaders can implement to further drive engagement with their employees, how to measure this against KPIs, how to establish a positive company culture, and how to communicate to their people the importance of their contribution.
Why are people a key driver for growth in a business?
How can L&D initiatives align with business goals and objectives?
How can business leaders inform their workforce of their importance and contribution to business success?
Can I ask about culture in a business. How do you embed this from a starting point if there isn’t one there to begin ?
What strategies can be implemented to enhance employee skills and knowledge?
How do you go about setting productivity targets?
Could AI potentially replace/influence the decisions that influencial figures of an organisation take? I.e. decision making and what ways should a business go?
Has remote working effected productivity?
What metrics and measurements can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of L&D initiatives?
Do you anticipate any changes in the landscape with a general election upcoming?
Why are people a key driver for growth in a business?
How can L&D initiatives align with business goals and objectives?
How can business leaders inform their workforce of their importance and contribution to business success?
Can I ask about culture in a business. How do you embed this from a starting point if there isn’t one there to begin ?
What strategies can be implemented to enhance employee skills and knowledge?
How do you go about setting productivity targets?
Could AI potentially replace/influence the decisions that influencial figures of an organisation take? I.e. decision making and what ways should a business go?
Has remote working effected productivity?
What metrics and measurements can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of L&D initiatives?
Do you anticipate any changes in the landscape with a general election upcoming?