It’s estimated that 15 to 20% of the global population is neurodivergent.
1 in 5 people.
But fear of stigma prevents many from disclosing this in their workplaces.
That’s a lot of people not bringing their full selves – and skills – to work. And companies not getting the best of their brilliant talent.
For some, choosing to disclose can be empowering and spotlight their strengths. But it can also be complex to navigate. Especially when there’s stereotypes or lack of education and understanding.
So, what can companies do to become more inclusive for neurodiverse people – and make the most of their talents?
In this episode, we’re joined by Steve Hill, Chief Commercial Officer at auticon, and Matt Stallard, Technology Strategy and Transformation Lead Partner at Deloitte, in this episode of The Green Room as we ask: How can companies think differently about people who think differently?