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In this episode Trevor Ivory (Partner) is joined by Amy Truman (Legal Director) and Ian Graves (Legal Director) to discuss the ramifications of changes to Natural England guidance from March 2022 and the requirements for Appropriate Assessment under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. The discussion considers where issues arise in relation to water environments, the significant impacts on development in 74 local authority areas which are effectively halting consents for housing and other overnight accommodation uses (hotels etc), government advice and possible ongoing solutions.
Cases mentioned are:
R(Champion) v North Norfolk District Council and another [2015] UKSC 52 Champion, R (on the application of) v North Norfolk District Council & Anor [2015] UKSC 52 (22 July 2015)…
Landelijke Vereniging tot Behoud van de Waddenzee and Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Vogels v Staatssecretaris van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer and Visserij (the Waddenzee case) Case C-127/02…
Cooperatie Mobilisation for the Environment UA, Verenigin Leefmilieu v College van gedeputeerde staten van Limburg and College van gedeputeerde staten van Gelderland (the Dutch Nitrogen Case) Case C-293/17…
In addition the 20 July 2022 UK Ministerial Statement on Improving Water Quality is also discussed. https://questions-statements.parliame…