We provided our views and guidance on how your business can approach various issues such as, how to best utilise equity in share plans, repricing options and equity awards, changes to share valuations in a recessionary economy, how changes to valuations can help heavily geared companies, how to bring management into the debt element of the waterfall to motivate your employees , tax issues with writing off corporate debt, how some businesses may now meet the EMI qualifying conditions, the opportunities as a result of changes to the Company Share Option Plan legislation and Governance and key considerations for Remuneration Committees.
More about Share Plans and Incentives https://www.bdo.co.uk/en-gb/services/tax/global-employer-services/share-plans-and-incentives
Company share option plans
Long Term Incentive Grants & Windfall Gains
Company Reorganisations and Business Restructuring
Tax Valuations in the current Economic Climate