Our Legal experts at Moore Kingston Smith present a variety of scenarios and explain what to keep in mind if faced with the What if…? question that could arise.
In the first of our “What if…?” video series, Partner and Head of Legal services, Andrew Bloom discusses the scenario: What if you want to sell your business to your employees?
Andrew explores the tax benefits for staff and owners who are considering establishing Employee Ownership Trusts. Our team of lawyers, accountants, tax experts and HR consultants can help set up a trust company, value the business and your shares, apply to HMRC for the necessary tax clearances, prepare all the legal documents and provide explanatory materials and FAQs for your staff.
This video is not intended as professional advice. No responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this video can be accepted by Moore Kingston Smith LLP, or any of its people or associated businesses. While information in this video is believed to be correct at the time of publishing, it is not intended to be comprehensive and may be superseded in the future. Moore Kingston Smith LLP is regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales for its accountancy and tax advice, and by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for its legal advice. If we are retained to carry out work, we will inform our client how the services we will provide are regulated and how this affects the protections available to that client. © November 2022